[ETS2] SportBrown SCS/Eugene/Standalone NextGen
Please read
Custom interior for the Scania next gen Highline cabin S&R.
Interior work on SCS and Eugene's Scania NextGen and also include a extra version to make it work on our NextGen standalone V8 You can find this truck here LINK
Interior will have set of own custom lights and 2 steeringwheels to chose from. The normal custom scania wheel and a vabis steeringwheel.
Also made matching trucktables but you still need to have the trucktable mod which you can find here Table LinkMake sure the original table mod is below the interior in mod load order.
The names and description for this mod.
[NEXTGEN] Sport Vabis Brown_KC = For SCS or Eugene scania next gen.
[STANDALONE] Sport Vabis Brown_KC = For our standalone Scania next gen V8.
Install notes :
Just drag and drop downloaded file into mod folder and activate ingame. No need to extract.